News Scrap

Native USDC Officially Launches on Sui
Native USDC Officially Launches on Sui

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, October 8th, 2024, ChainwireSui is the first Move language-based blockchain with native USDCSui, the Layer 1 blockchain offering industry-leading performance and infinite horizontal scaling, and Circle, the issuer of USDC, today announced...

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Unlocking New DeFi Opportunities for BNB Holders
Unlocking New DeFi Opportunities for BNB Holders

Toronto, Ontario, October 8th, 2024, ChainwireclisBNB, developed by Lista DAO, is an innovative tool that offers BNB holders greater flexibility and control over their assets. Now available through, a one-stop on-chain platform for BNB, primarily designed to...

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