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RHONY S15 Premiere Recap: Sai De Silva Calls Brynn Whitfield a ‘Gaslighting, Narcissist F—ing Asshole’ After Jenna Lyons is Accused of Being ‘Poor’

Oct 2, 2024

Welcome to New York! The RHONY cast is back in action for season 15! Let’s dive into the very first episode of what is expected to be an explosive season full of drama!

Ubah Hassan, Jenna LyonsSai De SilvaErin LichyJessel Taankand Brynn Whitfield are all back for season 15 and are spicier than ever!

During Tuesday’s season 15 premiere, Brynn Whitfield found herself in the hot seat when co-stars Sai De Silva and Erin Lichy confronted her for “manipulating” a funny “light-hearted” story about Jenna Lyons’ car trouble.

While lunching with Ubah Hassan and RHONY newbie  Rebecca Minkoff, Erin shared a story about a small get-together with the rest of the Housewives at Jenna’s NYC apartment. At the gathering, Brynn allegedly accused Erin of calling Jenna “poor” after she had to call the former J.Crew creative director a $250 Uber ride back to the city when her vintage car broke down. Erin was never reimbursed for the Uber ride.

However, Brynn told a “whole other version” of the story, claiming that Erin said that Jenna was having “money problems” and couldn’t afford the Uber to get herself back to the city.

In her RHONY season 15 confessional, Erin denied Brynn’s claims and insisted she was trying to bring “levity” to the situation and recall the story in a “funny” way.

“I am fully aware that Jenna, in her $10 million loft and her $5 million beach house, does not have money problems,” Erin explained.

Later on in the episode, Jenna and Jessel Taank rehashed the story with Brynn while furniture shopping. Jenna explained that she and Erin chatted to clear the air, revealing that Erin denied ever saying she was going through money woes.

“Okay, so we just made up a lie?” Brynn scoffed as Jenna admitted to feeling “disappointed” and “bummed that this went down.”

“Erin was like, ‘I swear it didn’t go down that way.’ I’m like, what am I gonna do?” Jenna said in her RHONY confessional. “There’s two sides of the story. Everyone is a gossip. No one gets a happier life.”

Erin, on the other hand, theorized that Brynn twisted the story and was trying to “get back at me” after some comments she made during an appearance on SiriusXM’s Jeff Lewis Live.

During the appearance, Erin denied knowing anything about Brynn’s finances when asked if Brynn ever slept with anyone for money. Brynn didn’t like that Erin played coy with her answers.

More drama went down when the entire RHONY cast reunited for drinks at a club. Erin wasn’t the only RHONY cast member with a bone to pick with Brynn. Tension between Brynn and Sai grew heated after Jenna claimed that Brynn told her Sai had been talking “sh-t” about her behind her back.

Ultimately, Jenna and Sai were able to move past the drama. However, Sai couldn’t forgive Brynn for stirring the pot.

Sai told the cameras, “Brynn is doing what Brynn does, and she can’t stand if anyone in this friendship group gets close to one another. She needs to stir the pot, sprinkle some little bulls— in it, and then feed it to all of us so we don’t get along.”

When Erin, Jessel, and Jenna attempted to clear the air about who called Jenna “poor,” Brynn inserted herself into the conversation, which rubbed Erin the wrong way. Erin let out an audible “ugh” before calling Brynn a “liar” who was “manipulating” the details.

“I get hurt because I actually cared about you, you’re like a bad friend,” Erin told Brynn. Brynn fired back by calling out Erina for “saying stuff that’s not true about me and my character” during her appearance on Jeff Lewis Live.

Sai then took the opportunity to join in on the conversation and address her issues with Brynn. She accused Brynn of having a problem with Jenna and Erin becoming closer friends. Sai recalled feeling “the biggest tension ever” after Brynn told Jenna that Erin had called her poor. Brynn denied the claim and insisted things at Jenna’s house only turned “weird” after Sai told Jessel, “F— you, Jessel and your Dory from Finding Nemo look alike husband.”

“You are a f—ing gaslighting, narcissist f—ing asshole. I love the way you switch this s— up. I’m talking about you and you’re talking about the s— I said to Jessel?” Sai fired back at Brynn before explaining to the cameras that she and Jessel were in a “good place” and Brynn was “deflecting.”

“You are unwell Brynn,” Sai added before shutting down the conversation. . “Not today, Satan. Not today, Satan. I won’t do it.”

The Real Housewives of New York airs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo.

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