This year, you may be creating your best work yet. However, your Scorpio horoscope for 2025 is proof that the best things in life are never easy to accomplish. You may be sharpening your sword, getting ready for the ball to drop, and discovering it was never that bad after all.
You’re jumping right into battle this year, as Mars—your ruling planet—will oppose Pluto in Aquarius on January 3, shining a light on conflicts surrounding your public life and personal life. Balance between work and home may be harder to strike, and something’s gotta give. However, once Mars retrogrades back into Cancer—your adventurous and philosophical ninth house—on January 6, it will ease up in intensity, but it could also challenge your long-held beliefs. Before Mars retrograde finally comes to an end on February 23, an even more exciting transition will unfold as the North Node of Destiny enters Pisces, your fifth house of creativity and romance. This will encourage you to express yourself and create something that holds immense meaning in your life throughout 2025, but it’ll also ask you to rock out and have a good time. It’s OK to be a lil selfish this year.
However, work may be piling up on you as you slide into spring. Love planet Venus will station retrograde in Aries—your sixth house of career and ambition—on March 1, which could reduce your passion for productivity to a simmer. It could even bring up insecurities you feel at work, especially after Mercury also begins its retrograde in Aries on March 15. However, both Mercury and Venus will station direct in your artistic fifth house by April 12, showing you that sometimes, it’s OK to take a break from the drudgery and do something purely for the fun of it.

Major changes in the cosmos are beginning to unfold this year, impacting the collective and you as an individual. It all begins with dreamy Neptune entering Aries on March 30, which will develop your intuition and your desire to be of service to others until 2039. On May 24, stoic Saturn will also enter Aries, forcing you to get serious and grounded in your routine over the course of the next two years. It will also make your health and wellbeing a main focus. However, as lucky Jupiter enters Cancer—your experimental ninth house—on June 9, you may find yourself gaining tons of new experiences and taking opportunities to travel and explore. Once revolutionary Uranus enters Gemini—your secretive eighth house—you may experience unexpected transformations, losses, and intimate exchanges. All of it will deepen your resilience until Uranus enters Cancer in 2033.
Your relationships may experience a few surprise shifts after Uranus makes a temporary return to your seventh house of partnerships as it retrogrades back into Taurus on November 7. And after Mercury retrogrades back into Scorpio on November 18, your run ins with exes, old friends, and even outdated versions of yourself could tinge the ending of this year with both clarity and confusion.