There’s no doubt you’ve been dealing with a lot of change over the past couple of years. Your Libra horoscope for 2025 says that you’re spending this year tying off loose ends and truly making peace with your past, setting you off on a journey toward something new.
You may be grinding your gears as the year begins, because action-packed Mars will still be trudging its way through a retrograde. On January 6, that retrograde will intensify for you as Mars re-enters Cancer—your 10th house of career and public image—and stirs up complications at work. You may need to rediscover your passion for what you do and what you stand for until Mars stations direct on February 23. But not before the North Node of Destiny enters your sixth house of health, routine, and day-today grunt work as of January 11. This will kick a healing journey into motion, promoting wellness in your body and stability in the physical realm.
March could be the most challenging month of the year for you, but that doesn’t mean you won’t survive. After all, Venus—your ruling planet—will station retrograde on March 1 in Aries, your seventh house of partnerships. This could bring back people from the past, as well as challenge the dynamic you share with both your allies and your enemies. Communication issues and cosmic run-ins will further run rampant by the time Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on March 29. Regardless of what happens, you’re seeing both a beginning and an ending unravel in your relationships on March 29, when a partial solar eclipse takes place in Aries. You may be meeting someone new or letting go of someone old.

While there will be immediate changes in your personal life, some will also span over a long period of time. These long, relationship-expanding journeys begin on March 30, when dreamy and spiritual Neptune enters Aries, where it usher in highly romantic connections with others until 2039. However, you may find yourself making a permanent relationship decision around May 24, when Saturn—planet of karma and longevity—will also enter Aries. For the next two years, you may be seeking a commitment with someone that truly aligns with your future.
There’s no doubt your career has been jam-packed, but on June 9, it’s about to get even busier. This is when Jupiter—planet of growth and abundance—will enter Cancer, your 10th house of public image and reputation. Blessings on blessings are scheduled to arrive on the professional front, whether that’s a promotion, a raise, or all the good publicity. By the time action-packed Mars enters Libra on August 6, you’ll experience an even deeper level of drive and ambition. And after revolutionary Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, you may begin an unpredictable adventure—or even a bumpy ride—that lasts until 2033. You may be thoroughly surprised by where this transit takes you and what it causes you to discover.
The year wraps up with eclipses on the Pisces-Virgo axis in September that will bring your attention to developments in your health and in your daily routine. It may be time to reframe your methods and regimens, especially before Mars enters Capricorn on December 15, stirring things up in your fourth house of home and family, impacting your domestic life and inspiring you to get it in shape.