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Leo, Your 2025 Horoscope Says Your Birthday Season Will Be Extra Spicy This Year

Dec 23, 2024

You’re enduring a period of intense growth this year, but all that pressure will turn into a diamond. Your Leo horoscope for 2025 shows that you’re fully submerged in a healing journey, but going with the flow and embracing these ups and downs will bring you more than you bargained for.

NGL, this year will probably begin on a harsh and combative note. Mars retrograde in Leo will oppose dark and revealing Pluto in in Aquarius—your seventh house of partnerships—on January 3, highlighting any beef you might have with someone. This could be an opportunity to either squash it or get even, in whatever way that means to you. Mars will re-enter Cancer on January 6, giving you a break from its chaos, but revealing hidden enemies along the way as it activates your 12th house of unseen energies. A mysterious shift will take over your life once the North Node of Destiny enters Pisces—your eighth house of dark taboos and intimate resources—on January 11. This will drive you to embrace a total transformation of the heart, namely in the way you give and receive energy from others. While this journey will unfold over the course of this year, Mars stationing direct on February 23 will strengthen your connection to your intuition, gearing you up for openness and forgiveness as the year wears on.

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By spring, you’ll be rethinking your sense of adventure and the longterm goals that are meaningful for you. On March 1, love planet Venus will station retrograde in Aries—your ninth house of perspective and philosophy—showing you where, when, and how you may have stopped believing in something. You may even travel to some unexpected places you visited in the past, especially after Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on March 15. However, both Mercury and Venus will station direct in your secretive and possessive eighth house by April 12, revealing inalienable truths about what you’ve been hiding.

Planet Venus with a lion over it surrounded by sunflowers with summer colors

You’re gearing up for several major beginnings this year, starting with dreamy Neptune on March 30. This generational planet will enter Aries, where it will take you on wild and unexpected adventures until 2039. You may even discover yourself becoming an educator and an explorer. By May 24, hardworking Saturn will also enter Aries, encouraging you to solidify a perspective that you can build upon. It may be time to go back to school or rethink the path you’ve been on. Once extravagant Jupiter enters Cancer—your 12th house of spirituality and solitude—on June 9, you may feel like retreating from the spotlight and looking inward, possibly even taking a period of alone time to process your feelings and reconnect with spirit. By July 7, rebellious Uranus will enter Gemini—your 11th house of community—where it could shake up your standing in your social network. Until 2033, Uranus in Gemini will lead to tons of new friendships, introducing you to new circles.

This year, Leo season will be spicier than usual, thanks to Mercury retrograde. On November 18, Mercury will station retrograde in Leo, which will push you through a period of self-review. You may be redoing things, rethinking things, and rehashing things, but it will help you detangle a mess that has been lingering in your mind.

2025 ends with you dealing with imbalances between your private life and your public life. A retrograde Uranus re-enters Taurus—the most public area of your birth chart—on November 7, which could unleash unexpected shifts in your career and social standing. However, Mercury also will retrograde through your fourth house of home and family from November 18 to 29, revealing misalignments in your personal life that need correcting.