The current trade price of $TRX, the native token of the Tron blockchain, is $0.41 & this price level is 87% higher over the last 24 hours period.
Notably, in the last 24 hours, $TRX traded at its lowest at $0.22 & highest at $0.44, which means a net 100% increment in the price level.
The last all-time high of this Cryptocurrency was $0.28, but now the all-time high is $0.44 & it is possible that this level is only the beginning & probably the trade price of this Cryptocurrency may hit $10.
Justin Sun, the founder of Tron blockchain, already showed his confidence in his Cryptocurrency following the similar significance pump in Ripple’s $XRP Cryptocurrency.
However, many people called this sudden price increment a price manipulation. Some people claimed that Justin was pumping his token using his money power. On the other hand, TRX coin enthusiasts are happy with this pump, regardless of manipulation allegations.
Regardless of the allegations against Justin, in the present situation, Justin is very happy & says that it is just the beginning. Indirectly hints that he is highly bullish with the current bull sentiments.
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Justin Sun & controversy
Justin Sun is highly popular in the crypto space for his success & alleged manipulation in the crypto space. Last year, the American securities regulatory body charged Justin for promoting his Crypto projects in the US jurisdiction without any regulatory approval.
Justin many times denies every type of allegation imposed by the SEC body against him.
In October of this year, Sun was elected as a “Speaker of Congress” and appointed as “Prime Minister” of Liberland, a micronation (self-proclaimed country).
Liberland is a very small region on the Danube River floodplain border between Serbia and Croatia.
Read also: Donald Trump Nominated pro-Crypto SEC Chairman: Report