Bronwyn Newport would love to have former Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Monica Garcia make a return to the hit show.

Monica was let go after one season after making her cast mates uncomfortable with a troll account that was made to attack them.
Andy Cohen has hinted that Monica’s exit from RHOSLC would just be a “break” so that the rest of the RHOSLC cast has time to regroup.
Bronwyn Newport, 39, spoke on the Monica issue saying, “I do know that there’s always three sides to every story. So I’ve heard Monica’s, I’ve heard the ladies; I have a feeling the truth is somewhere in the middle.”

Bronwyn acknowledges that Monica Garcia made the ladies feel unsafe adding, “But I believe those girls were messy in Monica’s DMs or Reality Von Tease’s DMs. I’m definitely talking out of pocket because I was not there. I do not know, but I also think you do your best work when you feel a little uncomfortable.”

Bronwyn Newport says she wouldn’t want her return to be full time saying, “So I don’t know that I wanna hang with her every day, but I’d love for her to make an appearance. Maybe I’m in a real bad place with the ladies if I’m asking for Monica to make an appearance, but, you know, we’ll see.”
Garcia, 39, has revealed that she too, would love to come back to piss off the other ladies.
“I haven’t talked to any of the other women. They are definitely holding true on their little alliance, their little pact. And I wish them well in hell. I’m kidding –– no, I’m so serious. Honestly, it’s been kind of wild. I haven’t talked to any of them.”
“They like to diss me a lot, but I think at the end of the day, they know. They know the truth. And we had an incredible season. As much as they like to paint me out of it, I was a part of it. So you know, it is what it is with them. They have a new season coming out. Good for them. I’m sure it’ll be great.”