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Here’s If The Later Daters‘ Suzanne & Avery Are Still Together After Rooting for Opposing Teams

Dec 2, 2024

The Later Daters is the other side of reality TV dating shows—the wholesome kind. In the show, six baby boomers attempt to date with the help of a dating coach, Logan Ury, who is there to not just point out all the ways they might have self-sabotaged in previous relationships, but also to help them find someone who actually fits their life now. This isn’t about hurrying down the altar or going off on the kind of dates you won’t be able to recreate later, instead, it’s about finding a realistic partner you connect with.

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And like in real life, not all the people who came into the show looking for love actually found it. They all went on dates, yes, but some of those dates fizzled out. Some just never found someone they wanted to go on a second date with. Some did, but after a few dates, they realized that was all the relationship had to give. However, the show had some successes, and one of those couples was Suzanne and Avery.

Related: Which The Later Daters couples are still together?

The 63-year-old optometrist Suzanne Doty and the 59-year-old financial adviser hit it off right away, but there were doubts that their lifestyles could truly be compatible. However, after Suzanne continued to go on dates, she found she just couldn’t stop thinking about Avery and it was worth not just exploring their connection, but being clear about what her apprehensions were. Once she was, she discovered that she and Avery were actually on the same page and that he was actually willing to compromise, which made her feel much better about where the relationship was going. Apparently, a Georgia fan can date an Alabama fan and college football doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker! Who knew?

By the time the show ended, the two had been together for two months. This brings us to the question of where they are now. Are Suzanne and Avery from The Later Daters still together? Here’s what we know.

Are Suzanne and Avery from The Later Daters still together?

The answer to this question seems to be yes, though we’ve gotten no official confirmation from either of them or Netflix. Now, just the fact that we’ve gotten no official confirmation either way is enough to raise suspicion. With the show having been released in its entirety, one would have thought the contestants would be free to discuss not just their experience in the show but their relationship status now. If so, why haven’t they? Does Netflix have another trick up its sleeve?

“We’re just taking it one day at a time,” was the last thing Avery said about their relationship on the show. “We’re just going to see where it goes. And I think that takes a lot of pressure off of both of us and so far, it’s been working.” Positive enough not to end the season, and there’s been nothing negative since.

However, there’s no confirmation on social media, which if Suzanne and Avery were younger, might feel like a death knell for the relationship. But considering they’re both around 60, feels like they just are not used to not living life on social media. All Suzanne has said post-filming is that she remains “very good friends” with the men she didn’t pursue on the show. So, it’s either that they’re not just social media people or that they might have been told to keep things private until the show aired, and even for a bit afterward. The question is, why?