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Best Christmas Movie Pop-Up Bars in Austin

Nov 25, 2024

There’s no shortage of pop-up bars in Austin but the ones we love best are those that tie into our favorite Christmas movies.

Here are the best Christmas movie pop-up bars in Austin!

Ralphie’s On Congress at Stephen F. Bar and Terrace
701 Congress Avenue

Happening December 5 through 31

The bar at the Stephen F. Austin is embracing A Christmas Story this year. The drink menu includes a boozy Ovaltine and the Oh Fudge (a take on the espresso martini). Of course, no Christmas Story scene is complete without a fragile leg lamp!

Miracle on 5th Street
307 West 5th Street

Now through December 28

There’s plenty of Christmas movie love at The Eleanor’s Miracle on 5th Street pop-up. Our fave is the cut out of Ralphie in his fuzzy pink bunny PJs. They serve a variety of drinks including the Christmapolitan (a holiday take on the Sex and the City favorite).

Uptown Sports Club
1200 East 6th Street

Happening December 4 through 31

East Austin bar Uptown Sports Club will be a beaut as this year’s theme is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. The highlight of their drink menu is the frozen Moose-shine with rye, white and spiced rums, coquito, and whipped cream.

Naughty or Nice at Upstairs at Caroline’s
621 Congress Avenue
Now through December 29

Upstairs at Caroline’s is bringing back its Naughty or Nice pop-up which includes a specialty cocktail menu, s’mores board and the Polar Express Shotskii. Naughty guests will get Malört, while the nice ones are treated to Rumple Minze.

Sippin’ Santa at Nickel City
1133 East 11th Street
Now through December 27

Sippin’ Santa is back at Nickel City! Though it doesn’t have a specific Christmas movie theme, their specially menu includes creatively named drinks like the Yule Shoot Your Eye Out.

TLC Austin Best in Snow
1100 South Lamar Boulevard
Happening November 30 through January 1

TLC Austin’s “Best in Snow” takeover is packed with movie references as well as festive holiday drinks, cookie decorating, holiday arcade games, visits from Santa, a singing light show and more! They even host Christmas movie viewing parties.

Donn’s Depot
1600 West 5th Street

Finally, while Donn’s Depot doesn’t tie into a Christmas film, we have to include them on the list based on the fact that the Austin staple is loved by celebs (and us too!). Dua Lipa went there during ACL weekend and even took a pic with Donn – which now hangs proudly on the wall of the bar. Phase one of their holiday takeover is already happening with the second phase beginning on December 2 with a holiday menu and way more decorations.