News Scrap


Oct 31, 2024

With 967K followers on Instagram alone, ten-year-old aspiring Neurocardio surgeon. Sean Atitsogbe, of Lilburn, Georgia, is taking the internet by storm with his passion for science!

It all started with his first viral video where Sean made himself a tasty breakfast, explaining the science behind why breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. Since then, Sean has taken over the internet, imparting his scientific knowledge on the world.

Known as “Sean The Science Kid,” Sean fell in love with science as a toddler. In a recent interview with Good Morning America, he shared, “Science is like 99% curiosity.”

Sean went on to explain in his interview that he loves science because it “explains the universe.”

Sean’s mother, Eunice Atitsogbe, stated that Sean is a self-taught scientist. He took it upon himself to research and explore the wonderful world of science.

“The things he knows, none of us taught him — either me or Daddy. Nobody sits him down to teach him anything. He teaches himself a lot. So, as parents, we just give him the environment for him to do that,” Atitsogbe told the outlet.

She added, although Sean’s videos continue to go viral, that wasn’t their original intent. “Our intention wasn’t to go viral and go all over the place,” she said.

Atitsogbe also shared a message to other parents with children who show an interest in not only science, but other skills that allow them to dream big a well.

“My message to other parents is that we paid attention to our kids because they start demonstrating these gifts at a very young age,” she said. “So, pay attention to them. As soon as you identify that this child of mine likes this, you as a parent do whatever you can to support the child, to bring that nature and gifts that child has.”

Sean is already looking to the future. He aspires to one day become both a brain (neuro) and heart (cardio) surgeon. We have no doubt that he will do much more!

Photo: Sean The Science Kid Instagram/YouTube