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RHOC’s Jennifer Pedranti and Katie Ginella Talk S18 Reunion & How ‘Great’ Shannon Beador Did

Oct 11, 2024

RHOC stars Jennifer Pedranti and Katie Ginella are dishing on the RHOC season 18 reunion and reveal how “great” co-star Shannon Beador handled things at the sitdown.

Jennifer Pedranti and Katie Ginella of RHOC recently appeared on SiriusXM’s Jeff Lewis Live.

During the interview, the two OC Housewives discussed Shannon Beador’s appearance at the RHOC reunion.

“I talked to her the day after the reunion, and she was running around like crazy. The reunion was a lot, I would say, for Shannon. The season was a lot for Shannon,” Jennifer explained.

RHOC newbie Katie Ginella added: “She did great.”

RHOC season 18 cast photo
RHOC season 18 cast photo

Jennifer continued, “And so, she was a little bit like running around the day after the reunion, frazzled, trying to get everything done and she was going outta town. She was going out of town again, so hopefully you guys will-“

Jeff Lewis, a longtime friend of Shannon, interjected and alluded that their friendship isn’t in the best place.

The former Flipping Out star said, “I’m giving her space and then I’ll just, I’ll circle back.” This hiccup in Jeff and Shannon’s friendship may stem from recent comments he made about the RHOC star’s behavior.

 Last week, Jeff Lewis admitted that he believed Joel Kim Booster’s claim that Shannon Beador was a “terror” while filming Love Hotel could be true. Jeff noted that he was “concerned” about Shannon before she left for filming, as she wasn’t in a “great place.”

While the former Flipping Out star has no insider knowledge of what went down between Shannon and the Love Hotel cast and crew, he believes stress may have caused the RHOC star to act out.

“I think it’s possible that — and I can only speak for myself — sometimes if I’m dealing with a lot of stress or I’m maybe emotionally not totally, 100 percent stable, you may act out. You may take out your stress, aggression, anxiety, on other people,” he theorized on SiriusXM Radio’s Jeff Lewis Extended. “I think it’s possible that this could’ve happened. I do. I just felt like she was not in a great state when I spoke to her.”

RHOC's Shannon Beador and Jeff Lewis appear on WWHL
RHOCs Shannon Beador and Jeff Lewis appear on WWHL

“She’s going through a rough time. She could be not responding well,” Jeff added.

Meanwhile, Katie admits it took her two days to recover from the RHOC season 18 reunion.

“The reunion, I had to take two days to recover, by the way. I feel like I’m coming out of like a coma. I laid in bed for two days,” the RHOC newbie confessed before explaining the cast had an early call time and long day of filming.

“We got to the studio at what? Like 7:30, 8:00? And then we wrapped at like 7:30 or 8:00,” she noted. “When Andy said, ‘We’re wrapping,’ I was like, ‘We are?’ It came up quickly, I think, for me at least being my first one. I was like, ‘Oh, that was fast.’”

Jennifer added, “Everybody said that we wrapped, they felt like, a little bit earlier or they thought we were gonna go later. We wrapped even though it felt like it was [unfinished].”

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs on Bravo Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET.

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