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Allegra Returns With Debut EP ‘Unsent Love Letters Vol.1’: An Ode To Self-Love

Oct 7, 2024

Allegra has forged a prominent name for herself in the music industry. From reaching #2 on the Music Pop Week Commercial Charts with Tiesto’s breathtaking remix of ‘Round & Round‘ last year to her collaboration with the legendary DJ Alok, she’s a star that continues to shine brightly. Yet with the release of her debut EP, ‘Unsent Love Letters Vol.1,’ her emotionally-fuelled songwriting is a breath of fresh air.

Triumphant lead single ‘Strangers’ marks the introduction to Allegra’s first-full length release, which chronicles the turbulent journey from heartache to the joy of self-love. Departing from her flair for collaboration, the EP uncovers her unique style, which is enriched with honest, raw lyrics and a strong nod to her mainstream appeal.

Throughout, Allegra uncovers letters that she wishes she had sent to ex-partners, and never did. This is a relatable concept that can deeply resonate with many female fans, which is highlighted by the EP’s chronological structure. The tantalizing ‘Upgraded’ showcases Allegra re-gaining her confidence, followed by ‘Refund’ and ‘Rain’, which are infused with an array of emotions. From frustration over a relationship gone sour to the thrill of independence, this melodic collective is nothing short of a heartfelt ode to self-love.

Listen To ‘Unsent Love Letters Vol.1’