Maureen McCormick feels “incredibly lucky” to have conquered sobriety.
Maureen McCormick feels ‘lucky to have found sobriety’ following her child stardom
The 68-year-old actress decided to give up drinking almost 40 years ago and admitted that while it was “not easy” to begin with, she has found an improvement in her life every day since.
She told UsWeekly: “I feel really incredibly lucky that I found sobriety. It’s been everything to me. And it’s not easy in the beginning at all, but it just gets better every day. It does, you know? I’m so happy to be sober and to be really clear and comfortable in my skin.”
The former child star – who shot to fame on ‘The Brady Bunch’ in the late 1960s – previously noted that
She told ‘Entertainment Tonight’: “I struggled with drug addiction for gosh, six, seven years and it was awful. I’ve been sober now for 35 years, and my life has never been so good.”
Maureen played the oldest daughter, Marcia, on the classic sitcom and even though the show will always be “special” to her, she had’t even realised that the series had reached its 55th anniversary.
She said: “It was so funny because I was on Twitter and I saw something about it, and I went, ‘Oh, wow.’ I had no idea’ The show will just always hold a super warm spot in my heart!”
Away from the spotlight, Maureen – who made her television debut on the magical sitcom ‘Bewitched’ and in the years after the height of her career appeared in roles on shows such as ‘Teen Angel’ and soap opera ‘Passions’ – has been married to Michael Cummings since 1985 and reflected ahead of their ruby anniversary that she is “so blessed” to have him.
She said: “It’s been an amazing journey. We’re going on 40 years, which is incredible. I feel very blessed to have him in my life.”