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Check Out the Bold and Sassy RHONY Season 15 Taglines

Sep 27, 2024

The taglines for season 15 of RHONY may be the cast’s boldest and sassiest yet.

Ubah Hassan, Jenna LyonsSai De SilvaErin LichyJessel Taank, Brynn Whitfield, are all returning for season 15. They will be joined by newbie Racquel Chevremont as well as Rebecca Minkoff, who will appear as a friend of the Housewives.

The fifteenth season of the Real Housewives of New York franchise is set to premiere on Tuesday, October 1 at 9 p.m. on Bravo.

With the RHONY premiere just days away, Bravo has dropped the season 15 taglines to get the Bravoverse even more excited for the upcoming season.

Let’s dive into the season 15 taglines!

Brynn Whitfield

Brynn Whitfield's season 15 tagline
Brynn Whitfields season 15 tagline

Erin Lichy

Erin Lichy's season 15 tagline
Erin Lichys season 15 tagline

Jenna Lyons

Jenna Lyon's season 15 tagline
Jenna Lyons season 15 tagline

Ubah Hassan

Ubah Hassan's season 15 tagline
Ubah Hassans season 15 tagline

Jessel Taank

Jessel Taank's season 15 tagline
Jessel Taanks season 15 tagline

Sai De Silva

Sai de Silva's season 15 tagline
Sai De Silvas season 15 tagline

Racquel Chevremont

Racquel Chevremont's season 15 tagline
Racquel Chevremonts season 15 tagline

Season 15 of the Real Housewives of New York. premieres Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo.

Thoughts on these taglines? Which season 15 tagline is your favorite? Sound off below!